Organic Senses:
- Vision (Sight)
- Audition (Hearing)
- Nociception (Pain)
- Gustation (Taste)
- Olfaction (Smell)
- Tactition (Touch)
- Equilibrioception (Balance)
- Thermoception (Tempurature)
- Proprioception (Sense of Body Awareness)
Internal Senses (Interoception):
- Pulmonary stretch receptors
- Peripheral chemoreceptors
- Chemoreceptor trigger zone
- Circulatory chemorecptors
- Cutaneous receptors
- Gastrointestinal stretch receptors
- Esophageal sensory receptors
- Pharynx mucosa sensory receptors
Non-Human Senses:
- Analogous to Human Senses:
- Echolocation (Sight through sound, such as in whales and bats)
- Olfaction (Smell)
- Vomeronasal olfaction (Smell through taste, such as in snakes and reptiles using their tongue to taste the air)
- Gustation (Taste)
- Vision (Sight)
- Equilibrioception (Balance)
- Gravity sensing
- Non-analogous to Human Senses:
- Electroreception/Electroception
- Magnetoreception/Magnetoception
- Polarized light detection/direction
- Pressure Detection
- Current Detection
- Slit sensillae (found in spiders)
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