Mystical & Supernatural Vocabulary

A sea of information for creative professionals & hobbyists.

Mystical & Supernatural Vocabulary

Here is a list of metaphysical and supernatural terms that I have found very useful in my design purposes for naming places or things.


Altar - A block with a flat top or a table or even podium where offerings are made to a god, spirits, or other entity.


Amulet - A charm or piece of jewelry worn as protection against evil.


Camphor - A sharp-smelling substance taken from camphor trees. The ancient Chinese used it to flavor sweet dishes. Today it is often used as an ingredient in mothballs, ointments for injured joints, and to treat colds.


Chapel - A room in a large building where religious services are held.


Elixir of Life - A magical mixture that is supposed to enable people to live forever.


Emblem - A decorative mark/symbol that means something in particular.


Incense - An aromatic substance extracted from resin, incense was used in ritual ceremonies.


Kiva - A place of worship and a council chamber for Native Americans, usually built below ground.


Omen - A sign or warning about the future that indicated a happy or disastrous event.


Oracle - A message spoken by a priest or priestess on behalf of a god or goddess.


Minaret - A tall tower built outside a mosque that has a staircase inside and a platform at the top.


Philosopher - A person who searches for knowledge and wisdom. Philosophers study the natural world and human behavior.


Relic - A possession of a person who was considered very holy, or a part of that person's body that is kept after death.


Ritual - A set pattern of behavior for a religious or other kind of ceremony.


Shaman - A Nativ American medicine man or woman with special powers to heal and contact the spirits.


Shrine - A structure people build over a place or object they consider sacred.


Soothsayer - A man or woman who predcts future events. The word is literally "truth-sayer."


Thunderbird - A spirit worshipped by the tribes of the Northwest Coast.


Supernatural - Relating to things belonging to the world of the spirits.

Spacius Adicus

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