Latin Alphabet

A sea of information for creative professionals & hobbyists.

The Latin Alphabet

Upper & Lower Cases

A a

D d

G g

J j

M m

P p

S s

V v

Y y

B b

E e

H h

K k

N n

Q q

T t

W w

Z z

C c

F f

I i

L l

O o

R r

U u

X x


Accented Letters

Many languages supplement the basic Latin letters with a great variety of accented letters. If you are not familiar with or do not have access to a "character map" for your fonts, this table includes Alt Codes for typing accented or special characters. To use them, you simply hold down the "alt" key and punch in the numbers associated with the letter/character. An even easier method is to directly copy letters out of this chart and paste them where you need them.

  • If your word processor can use these special characters, they should appear the same as they do here. Microsoft Notepad (included in Windows) will display these characters, but it will not save them in the file. However Microsoft Wordpad (included in Windows) or Word (included in Microsoft Office) most definitely can use and save these characters. If you are programming for websites (using HTML for example), whether or not you can copy and paste these depends on the platform in which you are building (raw HTML in Notepad vs. Adobe Dreamweaver, etc.). A good, free (open source) office suite is Open Office which includes a word processor, Open Office Writer.

Letter & Mark

Computer Alt Code

Accute Accent


Á á (acute)

Á (alt+0193) / á (alt+0225)

É é (acute)

É (alt+0201) / é (alt+0233)

Í í (acute)

Í (alt+0205) / í (alt+0237)

Ó ó (acute)

Ó (alt+0211) / ó (alt+0243)

Ú ú (acute)

Ú (alt+0218) / ú (alt+0250)

Ý ý (acute)

Ý (alt+0221) / ý (alt+0253)

Ć ć (acute)


Ǵ ǵ


Ĺ ĺ (acute)


Ń ń (acute)


Ŕ ŕ (acute)


Ś ś (acute)


Ź ź (acute)


Ǽ ǽ




Ogonek Accent


Ą ą (ogonek)


Ę ę (ogonek)


Į į (ogonek)


Ǫ ǫ (ogonek)


Ųų (ogonke)




Inverted Breve Accent


Ȃ ȃ


Ȇ ȇ


Ȋ ȋ


Ȏ ȏ


Ȗ ȗ


Ȓ ȓ




Cedilla Accent


Ȩ ȩ


Ç ç

Ç (alt+0199) / ç (alt+0231)

Ģ ģ


Ķ ķ


Ļ ļ


Ņ ņ


Ŗ ŗ


Ş ş


Ţ ţ




Grave Accent


À à

À (alt+0192) / à (alt+0224)

È è

È (alt+0200) / è (alt+0232)

Ì ì

Ì (alt+0204) / ì (alt+0236)

Ò ò

Ò (alt+0210) / ò (alt+0242)

Ù ù

Ù (alt+0217) / ù (alt+0249)

Ǹ ǹ




Caron Accent


Ǎ ǎ


Ě ě


Ǐ ǐ


Ǒ ǒ


Ǔ ǔ


Č č


Ď ď


Ǧ ǧ


Ȟ ȟ


ǰ (small J)


Ǩ ǩ


Ľ ľ


Ň ň


Ř ř


Š š

Š (alt+0138) / š (alt+0154)

Ť ť


Ž ž

Ž (alt+0142) / ž (alt+0158)

DŽ Dž dž


Ǯ ǯ (ehz)




Double Grave Accent


Ȁ ȁ


Ȅ ȅ


Ȉ ȉ


Ȍ ȍ


Ȕ ȕ


Ȑ ȑ




Bar / Stroke / Slash Accent


Ⱥ ⱥ (stroke)


Ɇ ɇ


Ø ø

Ø (alt+0216) / ø (alt+0248)

ɵ (small barred O)


Ʉ ʉ (barred)


Ɏ ɏ


Ƀ ƀ


Ȼ ȼ


Đ đ

(none) See Eth on next chart below.

Ǥ ǥ


Ħ ħ


Ɨ (capital I)


Ɉ ɉ


Ł ł


Ⱡ ⱡ (double bar)


Ᵽ (capital P with stroke)


Ɍ ɍ


Ŧ ŧ


ⱦ (diagonal stroke)


Ƶ ƶ


ƻ (two)




Circumflex Accent



 (alt+0194) / â (alt+0226)

Ê ê

Ê (alt+0202) / ê (0234)

Î î

Î (alt+0206) / î (alt+0238)

Ô ô

Ô (alt+0212) / ô (alt+0244)

Û û

Û (alt+0219) / û (alt+0251)



Ĉ ĉ


Ĝ ĝ


Ĥ ĥ


Ĵ ĵ


Ŝ ŝ


Ŵ ŵ




Macron Accent


Ā ā


Ē ē


Ī ī


Ō ō


Ū ū




Ǣ ǣ




Dot Above Accent


Ȧ ȧ


Ė ė


Ȯ ȯ


Ċ ċ


Ġ ġ


İ (capital)


Ż ż




Middle Dot Accent


Ŀ ŀ (middle dot)




Tilde Accent


à ã (tilde)

à (alt+0195) / ã (alt+0227)

Ĩ ĩ (tilde)


Õ õ (tilde)

Õ (alt+0213) / õ (alt+0245)

Ũ ũ (tilde)


Ñ ñ (tilde)

Ñ (alt+0209) / ñ (alt+0241)



Horn Accent


Ơ ơ (horn)


Ư ư (horn)




Ring Above Accent


Å å (ring above)

Å (alt+0197) / å (alt+0229)

Ů ů (ring above)




Breve Accent


Ă ă (breve)


Ĕ ĕ (breve)


Ĭ ĭ (breve)


Ŏ ŏ (breve)


Ŭ ŭ (breve)


Ğ ğ (breve)




Double Acute Accent


Ő ő (double acute)


Ű ű (double acute)




Diaeresis / Umlaut Accent


Ä ä (diaeresis / umlaut)

Ä (alt+0196) / ä (alt+0228)

Ë ë (diaeresis / umlaut)

Ë (alt+0203) / ë (alt+0235)

Ï ï (diaeresis / umlaut)

Ï (alt+0207) / ï (alt+0239)

Ö ö (diaeresis / umlaut)

Ö (alt+0214) / ö (alt+0246)

Ü ü (diaeresis / umlaut)

Ü (alt+0220) / ü (alt+0252)

Ÿ ÿ (diaeresis / umlaut)

Ÿ (alt+0159) / ÿ (alt+0255)



Hook Accent


Ɓ ɓ


Ƈ ƈ


Ɗ ɗ


Ƒ ƒ

Ƒ (none) / ƒ (alt+0131)

Ɠ ɠ


ɦ (small H with hook)


Ƙ ƙ


ɱ (small M with hook)


Ƥ ƥ


ʠ (small Q with hook)


ʂ (small S with hook)


Ƭ ƭ


Ʋ ʋ (V)




Ȥ ȥ


ɚ (small schwa with hook)




Topbar Accent


Ƃ ƃ (B with topbar)


Ƌ ƌ (D with topbar)




Comma Below


Ș ș


Ț ț




Diaeresis / Umlaut & Macron Accents


Ǟ ǟ


Ȫ ȫ


Ǖ ǖ




Diaeresis / Umlaut & Acute Accents


Ǘ ǘ




Diaeresis / Umlaut & Caron Accents


Ǚ ǚ




Diaeresis / Umlaut & Grave Accents


Ǜ ǜ




Dot Above & Macron Accents


Ǡ ǡ


Ȱ ȱ




Ogonek & Macron Accents


Ǭ ǭ




Ring Above & Accute Accents


Ǻ ǻ




Bar / Stoke / Slash & Acute Accents


Ǿ ǿ




Tilde & Macron Accents


Ȭ ȭ




Extra Letters

The letters Eth, Thorn, Yogh, and Wynn were used in Old English; Eth and Thorn were used in Icelandic; the long S was used in English and other languages to write non-final S's (internal S's) until about the late 18th / early 19th century. The dotted uppercase I in combination with the dotless lowercase I are used in Turkish, and the the schwa is used in Azeri. The other letters are used in various other languages, particularly those languages spoken in West Africa.

Letter (Name)

Computer Alt Code

Ð ð (eth)

Ð (alt+0208) / ð (alt+0240)

Þ þ (thorn)

Þ (alt+0222) / þ (alt+0254)

Ȝ ȝ (yogh)


Ƿ ƿ (wynn)


Ə ə (schwa)


Ŋ ŋ (eng)


ſ (long S)


İ ı (dotted capital I & dotless small I)



Two or three letters joined together form a ligature. These are used in a number of languges including French, German, Icelandic, Croatian, and Dutch. They are also associated with dead languages such as Old English (Anglo-Saxon) and Old French.

Ligature & Name (Bridge)

Sound Bridge

Computer Alt Code

Æ æ (ae)


Æ (alt+0198) / æ (alt+0230)

Œ œ (oe)



IJ ij (ij)



LJ / Lj lj (lj)



NJ / Nj nj (nj)



Ȣ ȣ (ou)



DZ / Dz dz (dz)




f-s / f-z























Misc. Letter (Name)

Computer Alt Code

ʼn (N proceeded by apostrophe)


Ɖ (African D)


ß (small letter sharp S) (In German, the S-Z bridge)

ß (alt+0223)

Ɔ ɔ (open O)


Ƨ ƨ (tone two)


Ƽ ƽ (tone five)


Ƅ ƅ (tone six)


ƍ (small turned delta)


Ǝ ɘ (reversed E)


Ɛ ɛ (open E)


Ɣ ɣ (Latin gamma)


ƕ (Latin small letter Hv)


Ɩ ɩ (Latin iota)


ƛ (Latin small letter lambda with stroke)


Ɯ (Latin capital turned M)


Ɲ (Latin capital N with left hook)


Ƞ ƞ (Latin N with long right leg)


Ɵ (Latin capital O with middle tilde)


Ƣ ƣ (letter oi)


Ʀ (letter Yr)


Ʃ (Latin capital esh)


ƪ (Latin reversed esh loop)


ƫ (Latin small T with palatal hook)


Ʈ (Latin capital T with retroflex hook)


Ʊ ʊ (Latin upsilon)


Ʒ ʒ (Latin letter ezh)


Ƹ ƹ (Latin ezh reversed)


ƺ (Latin small ezh with tail)


ƾ (glottal stop)


ǀ (dental click)


ǁ (lateral click)


ǂ (alveolar click)


ǃ (retroflex click)


ǝ (small turned E)


Ƕ (Latin capital hwair)


ȡ (Latin small D with curl)


ȴ (Latin small L with curl)


ȵ (Latin small N with curl)


ȶ (Latin small T with curl)


ȷ (Latin small dotless J)


ȸ (Latin small Db digraph)


ȹ (Latin small Qp digraph)


Ⱦ (Latin caital T with diagonal stroke)


ȿ (Latin small S with swash tail)


ɀ (Latin small Z with swash tail)


Ɂ ɂ (glottal stop)


Ʌ ʌ (Latin turned V)


Ɋ ɋ (Latin Q with hook tail)


ɐ (Latin small turned A)


ɑ (Latin small alpha)


ɒ (Latin small turned alpha)


ɕ (Latin small C with curl)


ɖ (Latin small D with tail)


ɜ (Latin small reversed open E)


ɝ (Latin small reversed open E with hook)


ɞ (Latin small closed reversed open E)


ɟ (Latin small dotless J with stroke)


ɡ (Latin small script G)


ɢ (Latin small capital G)


ɤ (Latin small rams horn)


ɥ (Latin small turned H)


ɧ (Latin small letter heng with hook)


ı (Latin small dotless I)


ɪ (Latin small capital I)


Ɫ ɫ (Latin L with middle tilde)


ɬ (Latin small L with belt)


ɭ (Latin small L with retroflex hook)


ɮ (latin small letter lezh)


ɯ (Latin small turned M)


ɰ (Latin small turned M with long leg)


ɲ (Latin small N with left hook)


ɳ (Latin small N with retroflex hook)


ɴ (Latin small capital N)


ɶ (Latin small capital oe)


ɷ (Latin small closed omega)


ɸ (Latin small phi)


ɹ (Latin small turned R)


ɺ (Latin small turned R with long leg)


ɻ (Latin small turned R with hook)


ɼ (Latin small R with long leg)


Ɽ ɽ (Laitn R with tail)


ɾ (Latin small R with fishhook)


ɿ (Latin small reveresed R with fishhook)


ʀ (Latin small capital R)


ʁ (Latin small capital inverted R)


ʃ (Latin small letter esh)


ʄ (Latin small dotless J with stroke and hook)


ʅ (Latin small squat reversed esh)


ʆ (Latin small letter esh with a curl)


ʇ (Latin small turned T)


ʈ (Latin small T with retroflex hook)


ʍ (Latin turned small W)


ʎ (Latin small turned Y)


ʏ (Latin small capital Y)


ʐ (Latin small Z with retroflex hook)


ʑ (Latin small Z with curl)


ʓ (Latin small ezh with curl)


ʔ (Latin glottal stop)


ʕ (Latin letter pharyngeal voiced fricative)


ʖ (Latin inverted glottal stop)


ʗ (Latin stretched C)


ʘ (Latin letter bilabial click)


ʙ (Latin small capital B)


ʚ (Latin small closed open E)


ʛ (Latin small capital G with hook)


ʜ (Latin small capital H)


ʝ (Latin small J with crossed-tail)


ʞ (Latin small turned K)


ʟ (Latin small capital L)


ʡ (Latin glottal stop with stroke)


ʢ (Latin reversed glottal stop with stroke)


ʣ (Latin small Dz digraph)


ʤ (Latin small Dezh digraph)


ʥ (Latin small Dz digraph with curl)


ʦ (Latin small Ts digraph)


ʧ (Latin small Tesh digraph)


ʨ (Latin small Tc digraph with curl)


ʩ (Latin small Feng digraph)


ʪ (Latin small Ls digraph)


ʫ (Latin small Lz digraph)


ʬ (Latin bilabial percussive)


ʭ (Latin bidental percussive)


ʮ (Latin small turned H with fishhook)


ʯ (Latin small turned H with fishhook and tail)


Ⱨ ⱨ (Latin letter H with descender)


Ⱪ ⱪ (Latin letter K with descender)


Ⱬ ⱬ (Latin letter Z with descender)




Ⱳ ⱳ


ⱴ (Latin small V with curl)


Ⱶ ⱶ (Latin half H)


ⱷ (Latin small tailless phi)


ᴀ (Latin small capital A)


ᴁ (Latin small capital ae)




Spacius Adicus

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