Latin Phrases

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Linguistic Design - Latin Phrases

This page contains some useful Latin phrases. Key:

f. - formal

inf. - informal

s. - spoken to a singular person

pl. - spoken to multiple people




Lingua Latin (Latin Language)


Also used for "Welcome!"

Heus! (inf.) Rough pronunciation: [hey-oos]

Ave! (s.) [ah-weh]

Salve! (s.) [sahl-weh]

Salvete! (pl.) [sahl-weh-teh]

How are you?

Quomodo vales? (s.) [ kwoh-moh-doh wah-lehs]

Quid agis? (s.) [kwihd ah-gihs]

Quid agitis? (pl.) [kwihd ah-gih-tihs]

Quid res tecum sunt? [kwihd rehs teh-kuhm soont]

Esne salvus/salva? [ehs-neh sahl-wuhs / sahl-wah]

I'm fine.

Valeo (s.) [wah-leh-oh]

Valemus (pl.) [wah-leh-muhs]

Long time no see.

Quantum tempus! [kwahn-toom tehm-puhs]

What is your name?

Quid est nomen tibi? [kwihd ehst noh-mehn tee-bee]

My name is...

Nominem mihi est... [noh-mee-nehm meehee ehst]

Et est nomen meum... [eht ehst noh-mehn meh-uhm]

Where are you from?

Unde est?

Unde es tu?

I'm a...

... sum.

Pleased to meet you.

Libens sum.

Mihi placet.


Good morning!

Quid agis mane?

Exorientem Auroram forte!

Good evening!

Bonum vesperum?

Bonum vesper!

Good night!

Bonam noctem!

Bonum noctis!













Latin has other curious features than plurals and singulars, but when speaking to someone or about someone actually changes the spelling of that name.



Name - Sextus


When someone is talking about Sextus, his name is "Sextus ambulant." [Sextus walks.]


But when someone is talking to Sextus, his name is "Sexte, quomodo vales?" [Sextus, how are you?]

Spacius Adicus

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