This page contains some useful Latin phrases. Key:
f. - formal
inf. - informal
s. - spoken to a singular person
pl. - spoken to multiple people
English | Lingua Latin (Latin Language) |
Hello! Also used for "Welcome!" | Heus! (inf.) Rough pronunciation: [hey-oos] Ave! (s.) [ah-weh] Salve! (s.) [sahl-weh] Salvete! (pl.) [sahl-weh-teh] |
How are you? | Quomodo vales? (s.) [ kwoh-moh-doh wah-lehs] Quid agis? (s.) [kwihd ah-gihs] Quid agitis? (pl.) [kwihd ah-gih-tihs] Quid res tecum sunt? [kwihd rehs teh-kuhm soont] Esne salvus/salva? [ehs-neh sahl-wuhs / sahl-wah] |
I'm fine. | Valeo (s.) [wah-leh-oh] Valemus (pl.) [wah-leh-muhs] |
Long time no see. | Quantum tempus! [kwahn-toom tehm-puhs] |
What is your name? | Quid est nomen tibi? [kwihd ehst noh-mehn tee-bee] |
My name is... | Nominem mihi est... [noh-mee-nehm meehee ehst] Et est nomen meum... [eht ehst noh-mehn meh-uhm] |
Where are you from? | Unde est? Unde es tu? |
I'm a... | ... sum. |
Pleased to meet you. | Libens sum. Mihi placet. Placet. |
Good morning! | Quid agis mane? Exorientem Auroram forte! |
Good evening! | Bonum vesperum? Bonum vesper! |
Good night! | Bonam noctem! Bonum noctis! |
Latin has other curious features than plurals and singulars, but when speaking to someone or about someone actually changes the spelling of that name.
Name - Sextus
When someone is talking about Sextus, his name is "Sextus ambulant." [Sextus walks.]
But when someone is talking to Sextus, his name is "Sexte, quomodo vales?" [Sextus, how are you?]
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