Here is a large chart of elemental correspondences from Western traditions.
| Earth | Water | Air | Fire |
Humor (Aspect) | melancholy (dry & cold) | phlegmatic (cold & wet) | sanguine (wet & hot) | choleric (hot & dry) |
Color | green | blue | yellow | red |
Zodiac Signs | Taurus Virgo Capricorn | Scorpio Pisces Cancer | Aquarius Libra Gemini | Leo Sagittarius Aries |
Compass Direction | north | west | east | south |
Elemental | gnome | undine | sylph | salamander |
Shape | cube | icosahedraon | octahedron | tetrahedron |
Season | winter | fall | spring | summer |
Winds | Boreas | Zephyros | Euros | Notos |
Tarot | pentacles | cups | swords | wands |
Plants | red poppy thrift | all water plants | aspen mistletoe | nettle |
Altar Symbols | flowers herbs earth crystals stones money | bowl chalice of water seashells | feathers empty bowl incense smoke | candles incense fire |
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